TVL-Toeleveringsbedrijf Van Landuyt Kalkensteenweg 21b, 9230 Wetteren (Belgium) +32(0)9/369.46.22
ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System

ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System

TVL guarantees quality

We have been striving for the highest quality ever since our company was founded and in 1995 we obtained our first ISO certificate (ISO-9002-1994). Currently TVL – Toeleveringsbedrijf Van Landuyt nv is officially an EN ISO 9001 certified company. This means that TVL – Toeleveringsbedrijf Van Landuyt nv works with a quality system and keeps it up to date. This always conform to the requirements of standard EN ISO 9001: 2015 “Quality management systems” for:

Machining (turning, milling and boring) and mounting of castings and forgings for transport purposes, excavators, compressors and wind energy.

The certificate was obtained after a quality audit:

download EN ISO 9001:2015 certificate of TVL – Toeleveringsbedrijf Van Landuyt nv

Created with the support of With the support of FIT Flanders