TVL-Toeleveringsbedrijf Van Landuyt Kalkensteenweg 21b, 9230 Wetteren (Belgium) +32(0)9/369.46.22
Suppliers as sustainable partners

Suppliers as sustainable partners

TVL wants to do clean business and requires the same standards from their suppliers.

Code of Conduct for Suppliers

We introduce our Code of Conduct to our personnel, suppliers and sub-suppliers as a guideline to conduct business in a respectful way, in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.

Our business partners are expected to do business in a pro-environmental way. By doing business with TVL, our suppliers and sub-suppliers consent to our Code of Conduct.

Download the Code of Conduct for TVL and her Suppliers here

Evaluating and prioritising

TVL is conducting a yearly internal evaluation of their suppliers and sub-suppliers, in which the business partners that support the same policy as TVL regarding environmental concerns and the wellbeing of employees, are prioritised.


Created with the support of With the support of FIT Flanders